P4P Families

Meet our P4P families and be encouraged by their stories of faith and adoption!


David and Hannah Mora 


Tyler and Sandy Ruoss 


Charlie and Cindy Riddle


Mike and Jen Peters


Kristina and Matthew Piela


Brock and Michelle Randell


Edward and Paige Richards

David and Hannah Mora

God began to place a desire for us to adopt many years ago, and we waited for the Lord’s timing. In May 2020, the Lord confirmed in our hearts to begin taking steps of faith towards the adoption process.

We began doing our own fundraisers and were able to raise some funds, but understood that much more was needed. After our home in Honduras flooded in a hurricane and we lost almost all of our belongings, we were in survival mode and had to put our adoption fundraising on hold. We returned to North Carolina for much needed rest, when Christy Benson came into the picture.

Christy was an acquaintance in church, but we didn’t know her very well. She approached us and shared her heart for helping adoptive families raise the needed funds to bring their child home. Honestly at first, we weren’t quite ready to do any type of fundraising as we had just lost our home; but she was determined to help propel us forward. We didn’t know at that time the blessing she would be to our family.

She is a woman on a mission and has a calling to help adoptive families raise the necessary funds to adopt. Many people don’t realize the hardship it is to raise funds for an adoption. Most adoptions cost anywhere from $25,000 -$40,000. It’s incredibly difficult and time demanding to do all the necessary paperwork and education courses plus raise the funds.


In January 2021, Christy launched our puzzle fundraiser and in 48 days the Lord used her to encourage an army of people to raise a little over $13,000 for our adoption! It was made attainable and affordable at $25.00 a puzzle piece. We were blown away in how the Lord provided this money and how he used Christy in such a pivotal way in our adoption journey. She took the load completely off of us and did all the legwork due to the fact that we had just been through so much trauma after the hurricane. She did the research, set up the Venmo account, reached out to all the contacts she could think of, advertised it, counted money, did the puzzle, and so much more!

Christy has such a giving heart. She has become such a dear friend to our family through this process and is continuing to walk this adoption journey with our family. She continues to ask how the process is going and how she can pray. We are so thankful for her. We believe God has great plans for Plead 4 the Privilege and we look forward to watching the Lord continue to work in and through Christy and her new ministry.

Tyler and Sandy Rouss

For Sandy and I, adoption was something we talked about before we ever got married. You know how you have those “deep” conversations when you have been seriously dating for a few years? Our plan was to have 3 biological children and then when they got older maybe adopt or consider foster care. Little did we know that God has His own plan for what we thought was the perfect plan.

After Sandy and I got married we bought our first home, settled down for a bit and before we knew it she was expecting. We were blessed with our daughter in 2019. We began to think of having our 2nd biological child, then Covid hit. We found ourselves in our first shutdown. Little did we know this would spark the opportunity to watch a movie that God had in store for us to watch.

As we looked for things to do while being home, we came across a movie called “Unplanned”. The story follows a woman who is the director of a Planned Parenthood facility. Her view of abortion was forever changed while in the room helping with the procedure. She sees this beautiful unborn life fight for its life on the monitor as the abortion is completed. Her heart breaks and her life is changed. As Sandy and I watched with tears in our eyes, we felt the Holy Spirit grab our hearts. We both looked at one another and said we need to take action.


After watching the movie we started to pray. If it were Sandy’s choice we would have signed up to adopt the next day, but I (Tyler) did not have peace about pursuing adoption right away. We went to God’s Word looking for wisdom, sought counsel from amazing spiritual mentors on how to proceed, and that God would direct our steps to be a voice for the unborn and their mama. We watched Unplanned in March and by August had signed up for the introductory class.

After going through the preliminary classes with an adoption service, we agreed to move forward with a domestic infant adoption. We knew going into this process that the cost for adoption was roughly $34,000.00 and that was not including attorney fees, out of state expenses, clearances, etc. I remember looking at Sandy and saying we had nowhere near $34k in the bank to pay for this adoption! “BUT God, You asked us to be obedient, so we are stepping out in complete faith.”

As we worked through the classes, training, and endless books we felt the Lord continuing to give us peace each step of the way. We began doing fundraisers, saving every penny we could, and sharing our journey with those in and out of our community. In doing so we had an overwhelming amount of support come from our family, friends, and our brothers and sisters in the body of Christ. As each bill was due, the Lord continued to provide right down to the dollar. There were several times where Sandy and I looked at one another and just smiled because God just continued to provide right before our eyes. We call these our God stories, because they are 100% from Him and He gets all the glory.

One of these amazing partners was Mrs. Christy with Plead 4 The Privilege. We had heard about her ministry and how she was coming alongside families who are adopting and helping them raise the money they needed. We started our puzzle fundraiser and within 35 days we had a completed puzzle and raised over $13,000.00. This was unbelievable as it was the money needed to complete what we owed to our adoption agency and had additional funds ready to go towards what money would be owed upon future placement. Little did we know just how soon we would be placed.

I remember it like it was yesterday, we got a call from our case worker saying they had a birth mom from out of state who was expecting a little boy and was due in 3 weeks. The birth mom was working with an agency in her state and wanted to partner with ours to give the birth mom more families to choose from. We got this call on August the 3rd and we had till Thursday August 5th to give our decision on an out of state adoption. After prayer and fasting, we again came back to the Lord who had asked us to be obedient and to give our worries to Him. “Our hearts and hands are open to whatever You bring us to and through!” We said yes!

On August 8th, we were standing in the kitchen, when Sandy’s phone rang and it was our social worker. We had been chosen!! A wave of emotions overwhelmed us as we could not wrap our minds around what we were just told. We dropped to our knees and began praying. “Here we go, Lord. All for Your glory.” At that point we went into full out nesting mode and got ready to be parents again!

Less than 2 weeks later, we got the call our son had been born, and he will be discharged in 2 days. We got to meet birth mama and sit with her for over 5 hours that day, and we are forever changed. She is so strong and beautiful. And we praise her for choosing life for her son, in the midst of unimaginable circumstances. Holding our son for the first time that day, I remember feeling that proud feeling of being a dad again. I held that little boy and connected with him in that moment in a way I cannot explain. We praise God for the beauty in the brokenness. All of these emotions are still so hard to process and voice. That’s why all we can say is even in the pain and brokenness, God, You are good.

We remained away from home, out of state, for 2 weeks until the appropriate paperwork was signed and approved to bring our son home. We went through a very deep valley in those 2 weeks, and praise God for our village and the body of Christ surrounding us with prayer and financial support. God is faithful. So many friends sending us money for supper, coffee, gas, hotel expenses, groceries...it was humbling and powerful.

Additional costs were added to our total amount because of our adoption becoming an interstate adoption. We now owed almost $10,000 more. Because of everything our community had already done, we both agreed that we were not going to do anymore fundraising, or share about our incurring expenses. God knew the need and we were going to continue trusting. Mrs. Christy reached out to us in October, checking on us (which she did almost every week) and asked how we were doing financially. We shared with her our expenses, and she did a financial drive over Thanksgiving, Thanks+Giving=Change. She was able to raise a considerable amount from business owners who matched individual gifts. Mrs. Christy asked us for a current statement in December and had peace about a certain number. When we sent her our statement it was $21 lower than the number God had given her peace about. Wow!!!! Jehovah Jireh – God WILL provide. And He did. He does!

We are waiting for the court to assign a hearing date to finalize our adoption. We have an open adoption, which means we have a relationship with birth mama and it is beautiful. Praise God!

Mrs. Christy is a cornerstone in our adoption journey, and we thank God for her obedience to His calling, and coming alongside adoption families to help relieve the financial costs.

Charlie and Cindy Riddle

A little over 4 years ago God blessed us with our 4th daughter, little Nova.  Even though our lives were full with our older kids, God crossed our paths with a 3 week old beauty that needed a family and home.  After a lot of prayer, we were able to invite this blessing into our lives and home and since then have been forever changed.

Trust, faith, compassion and willingness are the words to describe our journey. 

Trusting that we were the right family since we were older and already blessed with 3 other children.

Faith that He would fight the battle of adopting and the chance it might not go through.

Compassion for an innocent child in need of a home and loving her as our own.

Willingness to give a child a Christ-center home in spite of the challenges that may come.


We are so thankful that our paths crossed with P4P. The Dinner & Tea Fundraiser was such a beautiful night that we will remember and will be apart of our beautiful journey of adopting our sweet Nova. The Holt House was gorgeous and the food was great. So many donated and came to help us and we are truly thankful. Christy is a blessing and we are thankful to God for putting this ministry on her heart. We were able to receive close to $4000.00 that was raised that night to help with the expensive adoption process. Our hearts are forever knitted with her’s. Once again thanks so much to all who helped, prayed and supported us on our journey. Thanks to God and His timing, after 4 1/2 years we are finally on the home stretch and the adoption should be completed in a couple of weeks. Please help us pray for this to be finalized and we will definitely send an update once it is.

Through it all God has guided us. While we are beyond grateful for the help of P4P, my prayer is that others will have the faith to listen to God in whatever way He speaks.  Whether it is by giving, praying, spreading awareness, or maybe even taking in a child as your own. Our story is a testimony of God's goodness!

Mike and Jen Peters

Hi! We are the Peters Family: Mike, Jen, Jack, Ollie and Henry. We have been church planting in Spain for over 8 years.

We have always talked about adoption being a part of our story. Mike is the oldest of 7, and 4 are adopted.

On April 11, 2019, we made our first official call about starting our adoption. Now almost 3 years later we have officially been matched with our TWIN 4-year-old daughters. We hope to fly to Liberia this summer and make our girls our daughters forever.

Thank you so much for considering us!
Love, The Peters Fam


Kristina and Matt Piela

“Throughout the later months of 2022 and into the beginning of 2023, Matt and Kristina continued to study and prepare their home for the adoption process. They also began to fundraise and apply for grants. They were selected to receive two grants, but still needed additional funds to ensure that they could pay the final fee once a placement had been matched

 Thanks to generous donations to their Pieces 4 Hope puzzle fundraiser through Plead 4 the Privilege, they were able to meet their goal of being fully funded by April 2023. A few months later, on June 23, they received the text that they had been waiting to receive since they made the decision to journey into adoption. The next day they traveled to meet their newborn little girl. They instantly fell in love with the sweet baby, and on January 3, 2024, their little girl became forever theirs. Their prayer remains the same that God be glorified in their journey as they strive to raise this little one in His love.”


Brock and Michelle Randell

Brock and Michelle have been married for almost nine years and have desired for many years to have a baby.

They have struggled with infertility, but have decided that the fertility treatment road is not a path they feel led toward at this time.

While they have been waiting, God has grown in both of them a heart to adopt.

Michelle has thought about adopting since she was a child and realized that there are so many children already in the world who need a loving family. Brock and Michelle began talking about it, and they began looking around at different adoption agencies.


This past fall, they stepped out and decided to go to an interest meeting about an adoption and foster care support group at their church. They could feel God stirring in their hearts, but did not feel like it was the right moment to take their next step. Shortly after, a good friend of Michelle’s reached out and told them about a birth family she knew and loved who was looking for someone to adopt. God again stirred and moved in their hearts to be open to His plan, and they felt a peace about beginning to communicate with the birth family through their mutual friend.

The birth family has since asked them to adopt, and they have joyfully accepted! They have been amazed to see God’s hand moving in every step of the process! They are so thankful to see God working in their lives to provide, and they are very excited to, Lord willing, meet their little girl at the end of June!

Edward and Paige Richards

This organization played such a vital role in our adoption and we couldn’t be more grateful. My husband and I had just moved to Winston-Salem to be closer to family and started visiting Two Cities Church which was recommended to us through a friend of mine!

We quickly learned about their adoption program and how big of a community they have at the church with those who have and have not adopted all willing to help financially to get families through their adoption. Adoption can feel like one big financial burden along with millions of emotions but GOD. We had talked about adoption when we very first met one another and it’s something that has always been placed on my heart but imagined it to be something we did in our forties after a biological child or two and when we were more financially able- but GOD. He had different plans and that was hard for me as a type A personality (always has been) but through this and other circumstances in my life I’ve learned to lean into HIS plan because it brings so much more joy than my own failed plans. Not that my ideas and plans are bad or wrong but God just has better ones. 🙏🏻☺️


We quickly learned about their adoption program and how big of a community they have at the church with those who have and have not adopted all willing to help financially to get families through their adoption. Adoption can feel like one big financial burden along with millions of emotions but GOD. We had talked about adoption when we very first met one another and it’s something that has always been placed on my heart but imagined it to be something we did in our forties after a biological child or two and when we were more financially able- but GOD. He had different plans and that was hard for me as a type A personality (always has been) but through this and other circumstances in my life I’ve learned to lean into HIS plan because it brings so much more joy than my own failed plans. Not that my ideas and plans are bad or wrong but God just has better ones. 🙏🏻☺️

Can you help other families like these become adoptive parents? Here are three convenient, easy ways to give:


(For Venmo, click the icon above or search for 'Plead the Privilege' in Venmo.)


(For PayPal, click the above icon to be taken to a secure giving portal)


(If writing a check, send to:
Plead 4 the Privilege, 929 Dr Zimmerman Road, Lexington, NC 27295